2021 Yılı Kasım Ayında Terörizm ve Radikalleşme Alanlarında Yayımlanan Makaleler

2021 Yılı Kasım Ayında Terörizm ve Radikalleşme Alanlarında Yayımlanan Makaleler

Akademik çalışmalar yapanlar için faydalı olabileceğini düşünerek, 2021 yılı Ekim ayı içerisinde terörizm / terörizmle mücadele ve radikalleşme / radikalleşme ile mücadele alanlarında yayımlanan akademik makalelerin listesini hazırladık. Faydalı olması dileğiyle iyi çalışmalar dileriz.

                                                                                                           Hazırlayan: Hatice Varol

TERAM Editörü

  1. Abdelaziz, A., & Mesbah, S. (2021). A revıew of dısaster management frameworks. Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, 24, 1-10.
  2. Şahin, G. & Güngörsen, R. (2021). 2001 sonrası NATO’nun terörizmle mücadele unsur, araç ve politikalarının küresel güvenliğe etkisi . Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi , 10 (2) , 397-424 . DOI: 10.28956/gbd.1028636
  3. Bural, E.B. (2021). Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde “Beyazların Üstünlüğü” hareketleri: Nükleer Silah Tümeni örnek olay incelemesi. Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi , 10 (2) , 567-594 . DOI: 10.28956/gbd.843025
  4. Abdolmaleki, S. F., & Bugallo, P. M. B. (2021). Evaluation of Renewable Energy System For Sustainable Development. Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability, 6, 44.
  5. AL-Rawashdeh, S. H. (2022). Crımınal Lıabılıty For The Crıme Of Money Launderıng And The Regulatory Framework For Combatıng It In Qatarı Law. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 25, 1-17.
  6. Auntu, S. K., & Nusrat, F. (2021). Stagnation in Terrorism Research: A Critical Overview on Bangladesh. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(6), 6-10.
  7. Battera, F. (2021). Burkina Faso, Ghana, Ivory Coast: An Overview of 2020 Elections.
  8. Buha, M., & Lalić, V. (2021). Responding to Terrorism in Bosnia and Herzegovina–Legal Perspectives. Archibald Reiss Days, 11.
  9. Deveau, L. M. (2021). Early Intervention and Crime Prevention Perspectives from the Frontline. Gender Mainstreaming in Counter-Terrorism Efforts in the Western Balkans, 62-72.
  10. Duic, D. (2021). Effects of a Soft Law: An Overview of the Implementation of the UNSCR 1325 in the EU and the Western Balkans. Gender Mainstreaming in Counter-Terrorism Efforts in the Western Balkans, 100-109.
  11. Haghani, M., Kuligowski, E., Rajabifard, A., & Lentini, P. (2021). Fifty years of scholarly research on terrorism: Intellectual progression, structural composition, trends and knowledge gaps of the field. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 102714.
  12. Larasati, A. M., Hudiyana, J., & Muluk, H. How is the State Perceived as Fair? A Literature Review of Social Identity-Based Procedural Justice in the National Context. Buletin Psikologi, 29(2), 138-160.
  13. Raza, H. (2021). Determining the Scope of the Anti-Terrorism Act 1997-Ghulam Hussain v the State. LUMS LJ, 8, 170.
  14. Crenshaw, M. (2021). Will Failed Insurrection Lead to Terrorism in the United States?. Violence: An International Journal, 26330024211057687.
  15. Arı Y. O ve Ibrahım B (2021). The Impact of Terrorism on Foreign Direct Investment: The Case of Turkey. Üçüncü Sektör Sosyal Ekonomi, 56(3), 1781 - 1797. Doi: 10.15659/3.sektor-sosyal-ekonomi.21.09.1598
  16.     Al Adwan, R. I., & Alsaideh, J. A. F. (2021). The role of the unıversıty professor ın combatıng terrorısm from the vıewpoınt of students of al-balqa applıed unıversıty center and prıncess rahma unıversıty college. Review of International Geographical Education Online, 11(10), 1789-1805.          
  17. Vaseashta, A. (2021). Duality of Technology Nexus in Combating Terrorism and Violent Extremism in Support of Gender Mainstreaming. In Gender Mainstreaming in Counter-Terrorism Efforts in the Western Balkans (pp. 1-18). IOS Press.
  18. Ashindorbe, K., Afatakpa, F., & Owonikoko, S. B. (2021). Civilian Joint Task Force and Nigeria’s Counter-Terrorism Operation: A Critique of the Community-Based Approach to Insecurity. African Security, 1-20.
  19. Masuku, M. M., Mlambo, V. H., & Ngwenya, B. J. (2021). The Critical Analyses of Propaganda of the Terrorism Deed. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 25, 619-629.
  20. Muhić, E. (2021). The role of radicalism and extremism in political terrorism. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 25, 590-603.
  21. Samadder, S. (2021). The Effect of Terrorism on International Peace and Security Reasearch Methodolgy. Journal of Advanced Research in Political Science & Governance, 5(1), 15-19.
  22. Clancy, Timothy, Profiles of Violent Radicalization: Challenging Key Premises on Root Causes Leading to Terrorism (November 6, 2021). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3957928 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3957928
  23. Steve Wood (2021) Is It Time to De-proscribe Terrorist Organisations in Northern Ireland?, Terrorism and Political Violence, DOI: 10.1080/09546553.2021.1999934
  24. Mutungi, S. K., & Mulu, F. (2021). Counter-Terrorism Measures and Human Rights Protection in Kenya. International Journal of Current Aspects, 5(4), 78-89.
  25. Akame Nnoko Remi Joel. (2021). Terrorism: A Dysfunctional Quagmire Over the Concept. Zien Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2, 44–52.
  26. Şeyda Nur Yıldırım (2021) The performativity of terrorism: subversive experimentalist techniques in Pornography (2007) by Simon Stephens, Text and Performance Quarterly, DOI: 10.1080/10462937.2021.2001562
  27. Buffa, C. M. (2021). Predicting Terrorism in Europe with Remote Sensing, Machine Learning, and Spatial Statistics (Doctoral dissertation, Saint Louis University).
  28. Auntu, S. K., & Nusrat, F. (2021). Stagnation in Terrorism Research: A Critical Overview on Bangladesh. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(6), 6-10.
  29. Thorleifsson, C. (2021). From cyberfascism to terrorism: On 4chan/pol/culture and the transnational production of memetic violence. Nations and Nationalism.
  30. Jayasekara, Chamoth, Are The Cyber Laws In Sri Lanka Able To Curb Terrorism Propagandism Which Happens Via The Internet?. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3927744 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3927744
  31. Tulga, A. Y. The Roles and Impact of Mass Media and Social Media in Terrorism in Southeast Asia.
  32. Jati, W. (2021). From bombing to social media: The role of returning foreign fighters in nurturing terrorism in Asian countries. Simulacra, 4(2), 201-213.
  33. Omi Hodwitz & Steff King (2021) Modeling Public Policy: Influences on Terrorism and Public Opinion, Journal of Applied Security Research, DOI: 10.1080/19361610.2021.2005503
  34. Yurdakul, Ali, 2021. "Informal Value Transfer System as Terrorism Financing and Money Laundering Tool: The Case of Hawala, Business and Economics Research Journal, Uludag University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, vol. 12(4), pages 829-841, October.
  35. McElreath, L. S., McElreath, D. H., Doss, D. A., Etter, G. W., & Lindsley, A. The Media, Extremism and Terrorism: An Unintentional Business Relationship. Social Communication, 7(1), 82-89.
  36. Rocanello-Snow, Kyla, "The Impacts of Terrorism on Maternal Health in Afghanistan" (2021). Global Sustainable Development Projects. 1.
  37. Uzun, E. (2021). The case of Afghanıstan ın NATO’s strategıc communıcatıon concept ın combatıng terrorısm . Atatürk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, (67), 481-495 .
  38. Wafa Souffargi & Adel Boubaker (2021) The Effects of Rising Terrorism on a Small Capital Market: Evidence from Tunisia, Defence and Peace Economics, DOI: 10.1080/10242694.2021.2007338
  39. Buha, M., & Lalić, V. (2021). Responding to Terrorism in Bosnia and Herzegovina–Legal Perspectives. Archibald Reiss Days, 11.
  40. Jangada Correia, V. (2022). An Explorative Study into the Importance of Defining and Classifying Cyber Terrorism in the United Kingdom. SN Computer Science, 3(1), 1-31.
  41. Bell III, M. D. (2021). Terrorism and Social Media: Extremist Groups and College Student Recruitment.


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