2021 Yılı Şubat Ayında Terörizm ve Radikalleşme Alanlarında Yayımlanan Makaleler

Akademik çalışmalar yapanlar için faydalı olabileceğini düşünerek, 2021 yılı Şubat ayı içerisinde terörizm / terörizmle mücadele ve radikalleşme / radikalleşme ile mücadele alanlarında yayımlanan akademik makalelerin listesini hazırladık. Faydalı olması dileğiyle iyi çalışmalar dileriz...

                                                                                                                                                   Hazırlayan: Hatice Varol

  1. Aditya, T., Luth, T., Sugiri, B., & Kusumaningrum, A. (2021). Ratio Legis for Deradicalization Regulation for People Who Have Been Exposed to Radical Ideology of Terrorism in Indonesia. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding8(2), 300-308.
  2. Alemán, E., & Pérez-Agote, J. M. (2021). Trauma and Sacrifice in Divided Communities: The Sacralisation of the Victims of Terrorism in Spain. Religions 12: 104.
  3. Akbarov, N. (2021). The Meaning Of Extremism And Terrorism. TJS-Tematics journal of Sociology ISSN, 2249-2987.
  4. Baba, A. The Menace of Terrorism and Contemporary South Asia. Contemporary Social Sciences, 37.
  5. Bates, E. S. Counter-Terrorism in International Human Rights Law. In Terrorism and International Law: Accountability, Remedies, and Reform (pp. 77-162). Oxford University Press.
  6. Cárdenas-Castro, M., Faúndez-Abarca, X., Arancibia-Martini, H., & Ceruti-Mahn, C. (2021). The Relationship Between Posttraumatic Growth and Psychosocial Variables in Survivors of State Terrorism and Their Relatives. Journal of interpersonal violence36(1/2), 428-447.
  7. Dietze, C. The Invention of Terrorism in Nineteenth Century Europe, Russia, and the United States. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Terrorism.
  8. Gassara, A., & Rodriguez, I. B. (2021). Describing correct UAVs cooperation architectures applied on an anti-terrorism scenario. Journal of Information Security and Applications58, 102775.
  9. Gioia, G. V., Lamielle, G., Aguanno, R., ElMasry, I., Mouillé, B., De Battisti, C., ... & Sumption, K. (2021). Informing resilience building: FAO’s Surveillance Evaluation Tool (SET) Biothreat Detection Module will help assess national capacities to detect agro-terrorism and agro-crime.
  10. Guler, A., & Demir, M. (2021). A global comparison of suicide and non-suicide terrorism. Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, 1-20.
  11. Herawati, A. F., Suminar, J. R., Rizal, E., & Damayani, N. A. (2021). Deradicalization Communication of Indonesian NationalPolicein The Communities of Former Prisoner of Terrorism in Poso Regency, Indonesia. Elementary Education Online20(5), 52-58.
  12. Ilahi, S. (2021). Policing “Bengali Terrorism” in India and the World: Imperial Intelligence and Revolutionary Nationalism, 1905–1939. By Michael Silvestri. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. xiii, 362 pp. ISBN: 9783030180416 (cloth). The Journal of Asian Studies80(1), 223-225.
  13. Jadoon, A. (2021). Gendering Recruitment into Violent Organizations: Lessons for Counter-Terrorism Operations (Winter 2021). Texas National Security Review.
  14. Kriviņš, A., Teivāns-Treinovskis, J., & Tumalavičius, V. (2021). Issues of State and Natıonal Securıty: Relıgıously Inspıred Terrorısm ın The Baltıc States Internal and External Factors.
  15. Lee, J., & Kim, Y. (2021). How terrorism cues affect attitude polarization over undocumented immigrants via negative emotions and information avoidance: A terror management perspective. The Social Science Journal, 1-16.
  16. Lenk, K. (2021). Burying the Dead, Reimagining the State: State Funerals for Victims of West German Left-Wing Terrorism, 1974–1977. German Studies Review44(1), 87-105.
  17. Luca, D. M., & Căriman, G. (2021). The Economic Cost of Terrorism at European Union Level (No. 5024). EasyChair.
  18. Mashkour, A. H. L. Y., & Okla, R. A. H. G. (2021). Counter-terrorism under EIA of checkpoints using the Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix Analytical study/Al-Lyj checkpoint. Journal of Baghdad College of Economic sciences University, (63).
  19. McKeever, D. (2021). Revisiting Security Council action on terrorism: New threats;(a lot of) new law; same old problems?. Leiden Journal of International Law, 1-30.
  20. Meggle, G. (2021). Chomsky on Terrorism. In Chomsky on State and Democracy (pp. 175-210). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
  21. Nagengast, J. D. (2021). Countering Digital Terrorism: A Qualitative Study on Information Sharing to Deny Digital Radicalization and Recruiting (Doctoral dissertation, Colorado Technical University).
  22. Nesbitt, M. (2021). Violent crime, hate speech or terrorism? How Canada views and prosecutes far-right extremism (2001–2019). Common Law World Review, 1473779521991557.
  23. Pedahzur, A., & Perliger, A. The Evolution of Jewish Terrorism. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Terrorism.
  24. Saini, J. K., & Bansal, D. (2021). Detecting online recruitment of terrorists: towards smarter solutions to counter terrorism. International Journal of Information Technology, 1-6.
  25. Shandler, R., Gross, M. L., Backhaus, S., & Canetti, D. (2021). Cyber terrorism and public support for retaliation–a multi-country survey experiment. British Journal of Political Science, 1-19.
  26. Terhoeven, P. Terrorism as Third Front: The Radicalization of the New Left in Italy and West Germany. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Terrorism.
  27. Tin, D., Hart, A., Hertelendy, A. J., & Ciottone, G. R. (2021). Terrorism in Australia: A Decade of Escalating Deaths and Injuries Supporting the Need for Counter-Terrorism Medicine. Prehospital and disaster medicine, 1-5.
  28. Trampedach, K. Terrorism and Theocracy: The Radical Resistance Movement against Roman Rule in Judea. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Terrorism.
  29. Толстых, А. И. (2021). Is terrorısm ever morally justıfıed?. StudNet4(1), 66-66.
  30. Uddin, M., Alam, A., Yazdifar, H., & Shubita, M. (2021). Terrorism, innovation and venture capital. Journal of Economic Studies.
  31. Yumitro, G., & Kurniawati, D. E. (2021). Government and pesantren copıng wıth terrorısm ıssue ın malang: A Collaboration Model. Journal of Contemporary Islam and Muslim Societies4(2), 235-258.
  32. Woo, G. (2021). Expert Judgement in Terrorism Risk Assessment. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 485-501.
  33. Youssef, S., & Albarakati, M. (2021). Presupposition Use in Arabic Political Discourse: The Case of King Salman Speech on Terrorism. International Journal of English Linguistics11(1).
  34. Zedner, L. (2021). Countering terrorism or criminalizing curiosity? The troubled history of UK responses to right-wing and other extremism. Common Law World Review, 1473779521989349.
  35. Zheng, H., Chang, Z., Liu, H., & Zhu, Y. (2021). Analysis and prospect of China's contemporary anti-terrorism intelligence perception. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 336, p. 09027). EDP Sciences.
  36. Zulli, D., Coe, K., Isaacs, Z., & Summers, I. (2021). Media coverage of the unfolding crisis of domestic terrorism in the United States, 1990–2020. Public Relations Inquiry, 2046147X21996015.

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